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Wart on scrotum

From: Joker
Date: 10/26/2001
Time: 9:07:35 PM
Remote Name:


I visited a massage parlour about three weeks ago and the attendant performed light licking of my scrotum and penis.

I noticed about two days later a small bump at the back of my scrotum where it meets the area of skin between the anus and scrotum. Could this be an STD? There is one bump, but it doesn't have a cauliflour consistency and I am not experiencing any other symptoms. Or could this bump have been there before and I just noticed it coincidentally after the fact because I was so much more aware of the area?

One more fact - the massage attendant did not lick the part of the scrotum on which I've discovered this bump and all the other areas that she did lick are clear.

Any advice?

Last changed: October 26, 2001