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Re: Clamydia

From: Rob, Health Adviser
Date: 31 Jan 2003
Time: 15:23:24
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Hi, THanks for your enquiry. You asked one of the most difficult questions and one which frequently comes up in dealings with patients, basically "Where did my infection come from?" In your case it could be that the first test used to check for Chlamydia missed the presence of the infection which pre-dated your current relationship(some tests are more sensitive than others). It could be that you have only acquired this infection since your last test and that your boyfriend had had this before you met (it can take a while and a lot of sex before Chlamydia is passed on). It could also be the case, as you've already wondered, that your boyfriend has recently caught this infection from someone else. The only thing I can be certain of in sexual health is that there are no 100% guarantees of anything. Talk with your boyfriend; ask him what he thinks.Sorry I can't give you the certainty your looking for. ....And make sure that you both get treated adquately. Best wishes, Rob

Last changed: January 31, 2003