sexual infections forum

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Re: oral sex

From: Rob, Health Adviser
Date: 05 Feb 2003
Time: 23:31:33
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Hi, First of all bleeding gums is not usually caused by sexually transmitted infections. Maybe it would be helpful to get a check up at the dentist. You're right about oral sex. If anyone performs oral sex (a blow job) on a man who has gonorrhoea or chlamydia, it is possible for them to contract such infections in the throat. If anyone with coldsores around the mouth performs oral sex on someone else, its possible for the person being blown to get coldsores (herpes simplex virus)on their genitals. In most things in life there is an element of risk attached. Generally the risks attached to oral sex are not high. It is good to be aware of infections but only so that we can take care of ourselves. It would be a great pity to avoid sex altogether simply because of the risk of infection. Best wishes, Rob

Last changed: February 05, 2003