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From: worried
Date: 11 Feb 2003
Time: 10:34:05
Remote Name:


Please can you help..... I have been with my partner for 7 years, 3 years ago we had our second child, who had bleeding eyes and was told it was because of chlamydia, we both were shocked and didn't understand how, we had testing and it turned out that it was myself not my partner who had chlamydia we were both given antibiotics and cleared a fortnight later! I HAVE NEVER slept with anyone else during our relationship together, we had sex during pregnancy quite often, does this mean he slept with someone else, It cant be from a previous partner as we have been together for years and our first child was fine and my smears were fine? I am very worried as I am expecting our third child is this likely to happen again? should I explain anything to my midwife ? would my second child still have chlamydia? Please can you help as I am very worried!

Last changed: February 11, 2003