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Re: Genital Warts (HPV)

From: US soldier
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Time: 00:02:07
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well this can and prob. will continue for the rest of your life. unless..... You talk to a uralogist about the posiblity of surgery if its on your penis or the better option (if its not on your penis) is lazer removal. the danger is that there can and prob will be scar tisue if the doctor does not destroy ALL the HPV particals there can be a relapse. This can also be some what painful. no there is freezing the HPV virus does not like the cold it requires warm moist areas to live and grow worts. Now there are also none perscription topical ontments to prevent the formaion of warts. There is also an injection that NAY cure your conditoin but has SOME WHAT EXTREAME SIDE EFECTS. I would talk to a qualified Uraligist to find out what is best for your situation. Again i apoigize for the bad spelling. after all im a soldier not a writer ;=)

Last changed: February 21, 2003