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Tiny Red Spots

From: Wrench
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Time: 01:38:28
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After having a blow job by a prostitute about 1 year ago, I have had nausea, tingling testicles, painful penis, and now my testicles down right hurt. I have been to the doctor, and he checked me for gonorrhea and chlamydia which were negative, and then HIV which was negative, and I have been tested agian 1 year later, and am still negative. I also am itchy on my face, and forearms! Kinda weird I know. The little red spots are the size of a pen point don't hurt, and always clear up in a few days. Ther is never a bunch just a few. The itching is also on my neck. Which my doctor told me it was just the cold dry weather, but I have never had a problem before, and as a matte of fact have a very oily complection to boot. Please help.

Last changed: February 22, 2003