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Re: Clamydia

From: melanie ottewill (health Advisor)
Date: 02 Mar 2003
Time: 20:13:10
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If you completed the course of antibiotics, and any regular sexual partners also completed treatment (and no sex took place during this time) your chlamydia should have been successfully treated. If you still have a heavy discharge you may want to reattend for further clinical assessment to determine the cause of this. Unfortunately, the chlamydia test can not determine how long you may have had chlamydia for (you may want to refer to the f.a.q. - frequently asked questions page - on this website). It is not usual practice to perform fertility tests after an episode of chlamydia. You may want to consider regular screening for chlamydia (timing will depend on numbers of partners/those you have sex with without a condom). Condom use will protect you from this infection.

Last changed: March 02, 2003