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Bleeding gums

From: Jacqueline
Date: 07 Mar 2003
Time: 11:49:11
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I am worried about this unknown infection that i seem to have caught from an ex boyfriend who was bi sexual and travels the world,what i have is a a reoccurent bout of bleeding gums, they bleed for no reason i wake up in the morning and have blood stained teeth the only thing that seems to get rid of it is metrodizonale but it only manages it for so long, and i have passed this onto another partner of mine who has gone for tests etc and the doctors do not know what it si i am worried it might be a form of hiv, although i went for a hiv test a few months ago and was in the clear, this disease/ infection that i and another partner of mine have is quite worrying,as i have no idea what it is doing to me internally! Does anyone have any ideas????

Last changed: March 07, 2003