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what is it he has?

From: abc
Date: 06 Apr 2003
Time: 13:18:17
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my boyfriend has just told me that he has a rash on both sides of his scrotum (where the skin folds with his thigh). it is very itchy and sore. it doesnt look like a rash to me but more of a fungal infection as there are whiteish patches, along with pink lumps and the skin seems to be cracking! i`m very worried about this. we`ve checked on the internet about various std`s but he says that he thinks it`s jock itch (tinea cruris). he want to start on an antifungal cream instead of going to the doctor, but i want to know what it is so that if possible i can be treated before it starts! please help, thanks.

Last changed: April 06, 2003