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Need some advice on clamydia

From: annon
Date: 16 Jul 2002
Time: 11:20:28
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My sister has a new partner and he passed clamydia onto her, she went to the gum clinic and took some tablets and was all clear, this weekend her boyfriend came up (who has still not got him self to the clinic) and they had unprotected sex but in the rear end, they also did every thing oral too, does this mean she will definatly have it again, she says she wont as she asked the gum clinic if she could catch it again up the bum and she said they said no, but ive read other info on the net saying other wise, ive called her and told her she needs to go back again and shes in denial, what do i do?, and also is is correct she will have it again?

Last changed: July 16, 2002