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i'm confused

From: cali
Date: 30 Jul 2002
Time: 03:03:25
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about 2 or 3 days ago, i realized there was a tiny bump on my vaginal area, it wasn't inside or anything, but it was there where i could notice it. the first day it was just a little bump with a little bit of whiteness. then the second day it kind of got bigger with more whitestuff in it (i didn't know if it was puss or anything). then the third day it kind of just went away, there's still a little bit of redness, but i have no idea what it was. could it be a sign of an STD? is it possible for little sores like that to come and then disappear so quick? i maybe thought it could have been a pimple (not to sound stupid or anything) but i didn't even think you can get pimples down there. i'm so confused and i'm getting really stressed out about this. i went to planned parent hood and i was going to get tested but i didn't because i'm so scared right now. i really need some advice right now, and some help on what to do.

Last changed: July 30, 2002