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Re: herpes and periods

Date: 10 Aug 2002
Time: 09:06:17
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bieng extra hairy i propper feel the shame you tryed to explaine,the itchy scratch drove me insaine,and unfortunatlly i caught my dose when i sat next to a dirty bastard on a train,the whole journey he kept on fiddling and scratching and bieng a bloke i thought he was suffering sweaty balls .not good for me that evening around the sock line i started to itch and by the next morning i was needing a full body wax just so they would have no were to live,fourtunatlly the lotion you can get from all s.t.d. clinics cleares up the problem fast and oudorless.and even though you have a number and are expecting to be made to feel dirty it was not a terible experience and it got rid of my genitl squatters so go get the lotion and youll b fine

Last changed: August 10, 2002