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WTF is this PLEASE HELP!!!

From: worried
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Time: 01:06:16
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I have a small acne-like spot on my winky, it's on the side near the bottom of the shaft and its a shiny reddish pink spot, a little swolen, it's fairly firm and does not cause pain unless I pinch it.... it's only one single spot and the skin around it is completely unaffected but it got a fair bit larger since yesterday... can you get a single wart or do warts come in numbers? gonna get down the clinic soon i think.. I did have unprotected sex a few weeks ago.. please dont flame! i understand the risks and wouldnt normally but i was in a severe state of drunkeness and didnt know what I was doing.. learnt my lesson now tho...

Last changed: August 29, 2002