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From: Alex
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Time: 12:50:11
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I am a 27 year old married women, however before my husband (6 years together)I did have other partners and did have un protected intercourse. I am worried because I have a very strong fishy odour from my vaginal fluids and occasionally have some sore parts after intercourse. Also my vagina can be very itchy and I have nearly no pubic hair in certain parts due to the itchiness and rubbing from my nickers. Is this normal? I do suffer from eczema and have chronic B12 deficiency, iron deficiency and general anaemia. I have never been tested for an STD of any sort but did suffer from thrush as a child. Do I have an STD? Should I get checked out? I am scared to see my home Dr due to him and his whole practice being very well acquainted with my family. Can I go to a clinic without a referral from my GP?

Last changed: August 29, 2002