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Viscous foul yellow discharge (Chorley)

From: Jo Cutjacutajar (Chorley)
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Time: 17:54:30
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While shaving the other night I noticed a funny smell eminating from my hole of pleasure. On further investigation I noticed a thick yellowy discharge which was akin to Birds Custard, and smelt like a curdy cheese. Since I first noticed this, small red warts have appeared at the entrance as well. I think I may have had the start of the condition for some months as my boyfriend has refused to give me oral sex for some time. Should I see a GP, or go straight to a STD clinic? I think I would be embarassed to see my GP. I have tried douching with salt water and spreading yogurt over the afflicted area, as I read somewhere this can cure thrush.

Last changed: September 11, 2002