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Re: Alternative clinics (Genital warts in anus)

From: Rob, Health Adviser
Date: 23 Sep 2002
Time: 16:56:53
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Hi James, I'm sorry you've found waiting times at your local sexual health service unacceptable. As I'm sure you appreciate, we staff find this frustrating too. We hope that things might change with increased funding in the wake of the government's national sexual health strategy. Most NHS clinics are unable/unwilling to provide contact details for private clinics as we would not want to recommend services whose quality we could not be sure of. Most private clinics can be found in the telephone directory and a phone enquiry to such would allow you to determine whether it is the clinic for you, both in terms of specialty and price. I hope you find somewhere which can offer you the treatment you need.

Last changed: September 23, 2002