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Re: Alternative clinics (Genital warts in anus)

From: Rob, Health Adviser
Date: 24 Sep 2002
Time: 10:08:04
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Hi James, I'm sorry you feel so let down. I imagine that you share alot of the same frustrations that we who work in the service feel. We hope that increased funding through the government's new national sexual health strategy will help improve the situation. In the meantime, if you have the means to pay for treatment, a private clinic might meet your needs. We are unable/unwilling to recommend specific private alternatives as we can't vouch for the quality of services they might offer. Most private clinics are listed in the telephone directory. A phonecall to any that you find will give you the neccessary information regarding the clinics specialty and costs of treatment. I hope that you are able to get the help that you need.

Last changed: September 24, 2002