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From: kobi
Date: 21 Oct 2002
Time: 05:18:32
Remote Name:


please help i think i have an std it started with itching after un protected sex (1 nigth stand) then a red mark appeared on the tip of my pennis and then a clear/very light grey discharge and a small amount of discomfert in my groin area. i have been to the local gum clinic who said all the tests (blood & urine & swab) were clear. my gp had been treating me for thrush up untill then. the tip is still sore after 3 months and my hip area still causes discomfort.in addition to this ive had an on going eye inferction which has caused a small looking lump on my eye lid which went with antibiotics but has left a small lump on the eye its self.

Last changed: October 21, 2002