| We hope you find this site
useful and informative. Every effort has been made to see that the information published
is factual and up to date though some details will change over a period of time. Please
let us know if anything written seems incorrect.
 | SHASTD does not intend to
create any contractual, medical or legal relation with persons accessing the information
held on this website.
 | The SHASTD council or other SHASTD members may not
necessarily share some of the opinions expressed. |
 | Advice supplied by email on matters of personal
health is often basic, given in good faith and should never be assumed to replace that of
a face to face consultation with a relevant health professional. The
enquirer assumes the entire risk stemming from the advice offered.
 | Copyright of text and images contained on this
site is held by SHASTD, unless otherwise indicated. We request you do not use material
without prior consent. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and use of the
information. |
 | Any text copied and distributed is subject to the
following: a) copied without modification b) contain SHASTD's copyright notice c) not be
distributed for profit. |