protected zone access

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If you are a SHASTD Member you can gain access to the;

bulletHealth Adviser Forum - An excellent means of sharing information and exchanging views with other members
bulletSHASTD Filing Cabinet - Contains documents of professional interest to Health Advisers.

Access to these protected zones is given to registered users and not the general public. It can be gained by filling out and submitting form below.

You will be informed of the username and password in due course.

After you are successfully registered, your web browser will ask you to type in your username and password the first time you try to access the Forum and Filing Cabinet. The browser will remember this information for as long as it continues to run, so you can access any document in the protected sections without being asked for it again.

bulletPlease provide the following contact information:
First name
Last name
Work Place
Work Phone
MSF/SHASTD membership number

Copyright information goes here.
Last revised: April 24, 2002

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           postal address: SHASTD, MSF Centre, 33-37 Moreland Street, London, EC1V 8HA.                      

  electronic mail

Copyright of text and images contained on this site is held by SHASTD, unless otherwise indicated. We request you do not use material without prior consent. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and use of the information. This includes advice given by email. Full disclaimer