Help is at hand! You will find on this page a number of resources to turn to in order to begin to address some of the issues raised by the cases studies. Most of them are hyperlinks which will take you directly to a reference. Others are not available electronically but should be accessible in paper format in the UNN library. The list is by no means exhaustive and you are advised to search out your own original material. However there is enough here for you to make a start.

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Key hyperlinked references

The Patient's Charter

Puts the Citizen's Charter into practice in the NHS. It is helping the NHS to listen to and act on people's views and needs;   set clear standards of service; provide services which meet those standards.

NHS Guide Patient guide to the NHS Plan, launched in July 2000. Replaces the Patients Charter
AIDS/HIV INFECTED HEALTH CARE WORKERS Guidance on the Management of Infected Health Care Workers and Patient Notification
Guidance for Clinical Health Care Workers: Protection Against Infection with Blood-borne Viruses Recommendations of the Expert Advisory Group on AIDS and the Advisory Group on Hepatitis
Venereal Disease Regulations 2000 The latest version that governs practice within GUM clinics
  UKCC publications. The United Kingdom Central Council is an organisation set up by Parliament to ensure nurses, midwives and health visitors provide high standards of care to their patients and clients.
Code of professional conduct Defines the standards which are required at all times from registered nurses, midwives and health visitors. This is the benchmark against which complaints of misconduct are judged and the source of all the other professional advice and guidance published by the UKCC
The scope of professional practice The principles set out in this booklet have revolutionised professional practice by allowing registered nurses, midwives and health visitors to develop their practice in the interests of patients and according to their own professional knowledge, competence and accountability
Guidelines for records and record keeping Poor record keeping endangers patients, as many professional conduct cases have shown. This guide explains how the UKCC believes it should be done.
Guidelines for professional practice Expands upon the clauses of the Code of professional conduct and provides professional and legal guidance on issues such as consent, accountability and making concerns known
Practitioner-client relationships and the prevention of abuse Explains that it is the responsibility of the registered practitioner to maintain appropriate professional boundaries to relationships with clients at all times. The UKCC believes that a zero tolerance of abuse is the only philosophy consistent with public protection. The booklet also sets out guidance for the prevention, detection and management of abuse
Reporting misconduct - information for employers and managers Sets out the information which the UKCC needs from employers and managers when considering a complaint of misconduct against a registered nurse, midwife or health visitor

Has strong and effective legal powers designed to maintain the standards the public have a right to expect of doctors

Confidentiality: Protecting and Providing Information
September 2000
Seeking patients' consent: the ethical considerations February 1999
Good Medical Practice
Serious Communicable Diseases Advice in relation to the treatment of patients with serious communicable diseases and the responsibilities of doctors who have or may have such diseases.
United Kingdom Parliament Law Full text of all legislation enacted by the UK Parliament and delegated legislation (Statutory Instruments) whether this applied to the United Kingdom as a whole or only to constituent parts of the UK (eg Scotland).
THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT & MENTAL HEALTH LAW  Comprehensive guides to the Mental Health Act (1983)      Guide 1            Guide 2
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000
Human Rights Act 1998
The Protection of Children Act 1999
The Children Act 1989
Local Government Act 1988  Contains details in  Section 28 promoting homosexuality

  Other articles of Legal & Ethical Interest



Legal and Ethical Issues Raised by HIV/AIDS - Annotated Bibliography
Confidentiality and disclosure of health information
Sex and the Law: Origins and Controversies. Describes the law's approach to sex, and to identify what a young person can and cannot do sexually.   SCOTTISH CHILD LAW CENTRE.
English legal system for non-lawyers           article 1             article 2
Confidentiality and people under 16
Guidance issued jointly by the BMA, GMSC, HEA, Brook Advisory Centres, FPA and RCGP Includes details of the 1985 House of Lords' ruling in the Gillick case
Recommendations for Political Policy on Prostitution and the Sex Industry
HIV prevention services for prostitutes
Access to sexual & reproductive healthcare for people with learning difficulties
Information sheets from the Association of British Insurers. Useful advice to consumers on a number of insurance issues.
Society of Health Advisers in Sexually Transmitted Diseases (SHASTD):  Code of Ethics
The law and ethics of abortion. British Medical Association views
Rape :social & legal issues. A University of Kent paper
Sexual assault: a simple guide
HIV & The Criminal Law. Hamilton Solicitors
Computers & the Law. Hamilton Solicitors
Court of Appeal judgement on downloading indecent images from the Internet. Hamilton Solicitors
Crime and the Lesbian and Gay Client Hamilton Solicitors
Living off immoral earnings: a case reviewed. Hamilton Solicitors
Talking about sexuality: a challenge for community nurses. Professor Philip Burnard

Key non-hyperlinked references

Margaret M T Hudson.  (1998)  Confidentiality and genitourinary medicine. International Journal of STD & AIDS. Volume: 9 Number: 7 Page: 374 -- 389
National AIDS Reference Manual. Dec 2000 23rd edition.    Contains information on;
Confidentiality p. 318ff
Transmission of HIV as a criminal offence p. 324ff
Promoting safer sex lawfully p. 325ff
Sex education p. 327ff
Powers to regulate people with HIV p. 335
Disability discrimination p. 336ff & 343ff
Insurance & HIV testing p. 220ff
Montgomery, J. (1997) Health Care Law. Oxford University Press

Burr, M. (1982) The Law and Health Visitors. Edsall and Co.

Dimond, B. (1995) 2nd Edition. Legal Aspects of Nursing. Prentice Hall

Samuels, A. (1993) The Legal Liability of the Nurse - the lawyer’s view. Med.Sci.Law. 33(4)