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Gill Bell


0114 276 0825



Gill Bell has been a health adviser in Sheffield since 1989.

In 1992 she was awarded a Westfield Scholarship to study partner notification for HIV in Colorado, USA.

In 1994 she helped to set up a national training course for health advisers

In 2002 she was seconded by the department of health to help produce the  new Manual for Health Advising Practice. This will be published early in 2003.

She has published several research papers and articles on partner notification and commercial sex workers.

She is the regional representative and research officer

RESEARCH OFFICER: Roles & responsibilities


The Research Officer has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of research activities funded or otherwise facilitated by SHASTD.


To facilitate co-ordination of research activities carried out by SHASTD members, by compiling and maintaining a register of published and unpublished research.


In consultation with SHASTD Council, to commission the production of a literature review listing all currently available published research documenting relevant aspects of health advisers work.


In consultation with SHASTD Council, to assess the feasibility of introducing bursary awards for SHASTD members research.


To take the lead in managing the administration of research bursaries, if introduced.


To respond to individual members enquiries regarding support available for research work.To encourage, and, where possible, facilitate the publication of findings arising from members research work.


To attend SHASTD Council meetings and to present a report at each meeting.

bulletTo forward information about research work to the newsletter and the website.

last updated 20-10-02

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           postal address: SHASTD, MSF Centre, 33-37 Moreland Street, London, EC1V 8HA.                      

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