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Lesley Anderson

Shoreham by Sea

01273 461453


Lesley has been in health advising since 1994. She is a registered general nurse and has worked in the field of HIV for many years.


HONORARY TREASURER SHASTD: Roles & responsibilities


To administer funds of the Society under the direction of the elected council.


To present regular financial accounts at council meetings.


To produce audited accounts annually (to be presented at the AGM)


To oversee budgets and any financial arrangements of the annual conference.


To advise council on all financial matters.


To support council in carrying out its duties.


To contribute to council meetings and take on specific tasks, from time to time, as agreed by council.


Council recommends that this officer should have at least two years experience as a health adviser and as a member of SHASTD.


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           postal address:MSF Centre, 33-37 Moreland Street, London, EC1V 8BB.                      

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