Giving Winter Flu A Miss

With autumn well into full swing and winter coming up quickly, the inevitable bout of flu and colds will be rearing its head. Depending on your circumstances, you may be at a greater risk than others, so knowing how to protect yourself is important.

In the case of flu viruses, you should be more wary if you are over 65, have a serious medical condition or are pregnant. If you fall into these categories, you should get in touch with your GP to arrange a flu jab. Your everyday activities can affect this too; the more people you are faced with everyday can increase your exposure, such as working with children or the elderly. Even working in offices and shops can increase the possibility of exposure to viruses.

There are other people who are more at risk of flu and should also get a flu jab. Including; those who have had serious heart complaints, chest complaints, serious kidney disease, diabetes, people who have had cancer treatments or if you have ever had a stroke. It is best to check with your GP to see if you are vulnerable.

Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to get a flu jab for free. If you don’t qualify but feel at risk, you should still look into it and stay safe over winter.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t cover everyday colds, which are also abundant at this time of year. This can vary greatly, from a running nose, to being bed ridden for days. If you need to get medication or have to spend time off work, it can get costly. Rather than adding to the worry and getting ill through stress, it can be a good idea to get in touch with a short term loan lender such as Speedy Dosh ( This can help you relieve stress and let you deal with problems once you are feeling back in full health.

If you are unfortunate enough to get a cold, make sure you keep hydrated, eat well and try not to over exert yourself. The last thing you want is to end up more ill than when you started!


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