Current Issues in Caring for those with or affected by HIV/AIDS

Unit Code: AC129   Unit Level: 2 Unit Size: 2 Credit Points: 20

SYNOPSIS OF UNIT : A brief overview of aims, content, methods and assessment.

This unit enables health and allied professionals to further develop their existing knowledge base in HIV/AIDS related issues, and assists them in the identification of the diversity of needs of those with, or affected by HIV/AIDS. It encourages the student to develop their ability to respond to such needs in the context of their own practice area. The role of others in the provision of care is also considered.

The importance of prevention of transmission, and their role in achieving this will also be explored.

A specific placement is not required, but negotiated visits will be necessary. Supervision by someone with current specialist knowledge of HIV/AIDS is required (Minimum requirement ENBC 934) Where this is not available in the students own practice area, an alternative placement will be required (A minimum of 80 hours over a 10 week period) Assessment will be by means of a portfolio of evidence demonstrating achievement of the learning outcomes.

AIMS OF UNIT : Specified in terms of general aim of the teaching in its relation to the Subject.

Assist the student to understand the aetiology of HIV disease, possible modes of transmission and its effects

To appreciate the role of prevention in the control of HIV, and apply this to their own practice.

To explore attitudes to HIV/AIDS, the personal, ethical and professional dilemmas raised by HIV/AIDS, and their potential impact upon practice.

To further develops  current knowledge, skills and attitudes, to enhance care offered to those with or affected by HIV/AIDS, as well as appreciating the role and remit of others who care for those with HIV/AIDS.

The importance of effective communication and co-ordination of care, and potential obstacles and solutions in achieving this will also be explored.


Specified in terms of performance capability to be shown on completion of the Unit.

  1. Identify the issues involved in enabling clients/patients/colleagues to minimise risk of HIV infection to themselves and others.
  2. Demonstrate ability to work with clients/others to identify strategies for minimising risk of becoming infected with HIV, or transmitting HIV to others.
  3. Demonstrate use of universal infection control precautions in own area of practice.
  4. Analyse how attitudes, beliefs and feelings relating to sexuality and human rights can affect the care that is provided to those who have, or are affected by HIV, and the ethical dilemmas that can arise in providing care.
  5. Demonstrate current awareness of the diversity of needs of those with or affected by HIV/AIDS, and own abilities and limitations in meeting needs appropriate to your role.
  6. Use your understanding of HIV disease process and psycho social effects to identify clients needs and plan appropriate care.
  7. Either a)  Demonstrate your ability to provide evidence based care relevant to the needs of those with HIV/AIDS within the remit of your professional role.
  8. Or       b) Develop a professional development plan to addresss your own needs in relation to providing care for those with or affected by HIV/AIDS

  9. Evaluate the care provided for a specific client with or affected by HIV/AIDS


The content of the Unit, identified in a component listing.

Aetiology of HIV disease

Transmission & prevention

Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS - global, national, local

Opportunistic infections

Current treatment approaches

Psycho-Social effects of HIV/AIDS

Loss & grief

HIV testing

Attitudes to sexuality

Public health/ partner notification

Confidentiality/ethical dilemmas/ advocacy

Law & HIV

Needs assessment - range of needs , generic and specific to user group

Range & scope of services available locally and nationally

Planning care to meet needs/ evidence based practice

Co-ordinating care/ role of others within the multi disciplinary team and vountary agencies.

Current issues in caring for those with or affected by HIV/AIDS

Unit Code: AC130    Unit Level: 3    Unit Size: 2    Credit Points: 20

SYNOPSIS OF UNIT : A brief overview of aims, content, methods and assessment.

This unit enables health and allied professionals to further develop their existing knowledge base in HIV/AIDS related issues, and assists them in the identification of the diversity of needs of those with, or affected by HIV/AIDS. It encourages the student to develop their ability to respond to such needs in the context of their own practice area. The role of others in the provision of care is also considered.

The importance of prevention of transmission, and their role in achieving this will also be explored.

A specific placement is not required, but negotiated visits will be necessary. Supervision by someone with current specialist knowledge of HIV/AIDS is required (Minimum requirement ENBC 934) Where this is not available in the students own practice area, an alternative placement will be required (A minimum of 80 hours over a 10 week period) Assessment will be by means of a portfolio of evidence demonstrating achievement of the learning outcomes.

AIMS OF UNIT : Specified in terms of general aim of the teaching in its relation to the Subject.

The unit aims to

Assist the student to understand the aetiology of HIV disease, possible modes of transmission and its effects

To appreciate the role of prevention in the control of HIV, and apply this to their own practice, seeking opportunities for practice and service development.

To explore attitudes to HIV/AIDS, the personal, ethical and professional dilemmas raised by HIV/AIDS, and their potential impact upon practice. It is intended that the student further develops their current knowledge, skills and attitudes, to enhance the care they are able to offer to those with or affected by HIV/AIDS, as well as appreciating the role and remit of others who care at an individual and service provision level will be explored.


Specified in terms of performance capability to be shown on completion of the Unit.

  1. Analyse the issues involved in enabling clients/patients/colleagues to minimise risk of

HIV infection to themselves and others.

  1. Evaluate your ability to work with clients/others to identify strategies for minimising risk of becoming infected with HIV, or transmitting HIV to others, and the effectiveness of such strategies.


  1. Demonstrate and promote the use of universal infection control precautions in own area of practice.


  1. Analyse how attitudes, beliefs and feelings relating to sexuality and human rights can affect the care that is provided to those who have, or are affected by HIV, and the ethical dilemmas that can arise in providing care suggesting strategies to overcome problems.


  1. Reflect upon current awareness of the diversity of needs of those with or affected by HIV/AIDS, and own abilities and limitations in meeting needs appropriate to your role.


  1. Use your understanding of HIV disease process and psycho-social effects to critically analyse clients needs and plan appropriate care.


  1. Demonstrate you ability to provide evidence based care relevant to the needs of those with HIV/AIDS within the remit of your professional role.


Develop a professional development plan to addresss your own needs in relation to providing care for those with or affected by HIV/AIDS.

  1. Critically evaluate the care provided for a specific client with or affected by HIV/AIDS.


9. Propose how practice may be developed in your own area to enhance the care available to those

with or affected by HIV/AIDS.




The content of the Unit, identified in a component listing.


Aetiology of HIV disease

Transmission & prevention

Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS - global, national, local

Opportunistic infections

Current treatment approaches

Psycho-Social effects of HIV/AIDS

Loss & grief

HIV testing

Attitudes to sexuality

Public health/ partner notification

Confidentiality/ethical dilemmas/ advocacy

Law & HIV

Needs assessment - range of needs , generic and specific to user group

Range & scope of services available locally and nationally

Planning care to meet needs/ evidence based practice

Co-ordinating care/ role of others within the multi disciplinary team and voluntary agencies.