Interpersonal Issues in Genitourinary Medicine – The Health Advisers Role

Unit Code: NC965(2)    Unit Level: 2    Unit Size: 1      Credit Points: 10

SYNOPSIS OF UNIT : A brief overview of aims, content, methods and assessment.

The focus of this unit is upon the student’s ability to demonstrate appropriate use of communication, teaching and counselling skills within the professional, ethical and legal framework of genitourinary medicine practice. The skills surrounding partner notification will be explored, and the student will be encouraged to reflect upon current practice in order to improve their interpersonal skills where possible. Teaching methods will include supervised clinical practice in a department of genitourinary medicine, groupwork, lectures and seminars. Assessment will be by means of a portfolio of evidence of learning.


Specified in terms of general aim of the teaching in its relation to the Subject.

This unit aims to allow health advisors to:

1. Develop awareness of communication, teaching and counselling skills appropriate to client’s needs in a genitourinary medicine setting.

2. Appreciate the professional, legal and ethical responsibilities within the health advisor’s role.

3. Develop the core knowledge and skills required to implement partner notification.


Specified in terms of performance capability to be shown on completion of the Unit.

1. Utilise reflective practice to explore interpersonal skills and strategies used in effective GUM or sexual health practice.

2. Explore means of support for professionals dealing with sensitive issues.

3. Apply relevant legislation guidelines and codes of professional conduct to the role of the health advisor.

4. Demonstrate ability to implement partner notification.


The content of the Unit, identified in a component listing.

Reflective practice.
Communication and counselling skills. Barriers to communication in this setting.
Giving sensitive information/breaking bad news. Dealing with varying client responses.
Personal safety. Clinical supervision.

Legislation and its effects upon the nurse. Confidentiality and ethical dilemmas. Pre and post test HIV counselling.

Quality care and customer satisfaction.

Partner notification. Methods and approaches.

Interpersonal Issues in Genitourinary Medicine - The Health Advisor’s Role

Unit Code:  AC124   Unit Level:  3         Unit Size:  1        Credit Points: 10

SYNOPSIS OF UNIT : A brief overview of aims, content, methods and assessment.

The focus of this unit is upon the student’s ability to critically analyse the impact of interpersonal skills, within the professional, ethical and legal framework of genitourinary medicine or sexual health care.  The issue of quality will be addressed in relation to interpersonal interactions, in order to highlight effective practice, and explore opportunities for practice development.  Teaching methods will include supervised clinical practice, groupwork, lectures and seminars.   Assessment will be by means of a portfolio of evidence of learning.

AIMS OF UNIT :Specified in terms of general aim of the teaching in its relation to the subject.

The unit aims to assist established health advisors reflect critically on the application of effective interpersonal skills/strategies within sexual health care, and to develop the practice of  health advising in their own area of work.


Specified in terms of performance capability to be shown on completion of the Unit.

  1. Utilise reflective practice to further develop interpersonal skills/strategies in the GUM or sexual health context to enhance health advisor   practice.

  2. Develop support systems in own area of practice for professionals dealing with sensitive issues.

  3. Critically analyse the effect of legislation, guidelines, and codes of professional conduct on the role of the health advisor in GUM.

  4. Critically analyse the implementation of partner notification in own area or practice and identify opportunities for practice development.


The content of the Unit, identified in a component listing.

Reflective practice.

Communication and counselling skills.  Barriers to communication in this setting.

Giving sensitive information/breaking bad news.  Dealing with varying client responses.

Personal safety. 

Clinical supervision.

Legislation and its effects upon the nurse.  Confidentiality and ethical dilemmas. 

Pre and post test HIV counselling.

Quality care and customer satisfaction.

Partner notification.  Methods and approaches.