Developing Skills in Reproductive Sexual Health Care

Unit Level: 3 Unit Size: 2 Credit Points: 20

SYNOPSIS OF UNIT : A brief overview of aims, content, methods and assessment.

To enable registered nurses/midwives/health visitors to become professionally competent to give effective care to people on matters concerning fertility, sexuality, health promotions and health screening. This unit has a clinical component.

The unit assessment will take the form of a reflective portfolio.


Specified in terms of general aim of the teaching in its relation to the Subject.

To develop clinical competence and knowledge in meeting the needs of individual clients when advising and teaching methods of contraception.

To develop clinical awareness in relation to sexual health screening/advice.


Specified in terms of performance capability to be shown on completion of the Unit.

  1. Evaluate the significance of fertility and fertility control to the health of individuals the family and society by comparing and contrasting the different methods of contraception.

  2. Explore the need for sensitivity regarding the diverse expression of sexuality and sexual practices, within society, to promote positive sexual health.

  3. Appraise an ethical, legal or relevant medical issue in relation to family planning practice.

  4. Critically debate the local and national provision of family planning and sexual health care services.

  5. Critically analyse the effectiveness of health promotion strategies and their appropriateness to health care and screening of clients/families.

  6. Demonstrate specific clinical competency in relevant contraceptive methods.

  7. Demonstrate clinical awareness in relevant sexual health screening.


The content of the Unit, identified in a component listing.

Revision anatomy, physiology

Interpersonal skills in relation to clinical practice

WHO strategies, Health of Nation, Regional Targeting

Health Promotion strategies

Choice, Power, Control - influence on uptake of services

Well persons screening, implications, methods evaluation

Update on contraceptive methods


Relevant research

Factors affecting sexuality - gender, age, culture, religion, experience, abuse, socioeconomic status, health, ill health

Preconception Health

Termination of Pregnancy – Medical and Surgical

Psychosexual Difficulties
