Case Study 10

You are a Health Adviser liasing with a busy gynaecological ward within a local hospital. The swab results of a 26-year-old woman, about to be discharged following a suction termination of pregnancy, show positive to chlamydia and gonorrhoea. In conversation with her you discover that she has a new partner of 6 weeks standing. Her last sexual contact was 2 days ago. He is a doctor and will probably treat himself. She believes the source of her infection was a previous partner of 6 months standing. It was 2 months ago when she last had sex with him but she is fearful about contacting him because this relationship broke down because of his violent nature.  She lets slip his name – the manager of a Premier league football team! There is no way she wants to get back in touch with him and swears you to secrecy.

Where to begin?

You are advised to search out your own original material

Suggested starter reading;

Venereal Disease Regulations 2000
Guidelines for professional practice UKCC
Code of professional conduct UKCC
Confidentiality: Protecting and Providing Information
Seeking patients' consent: the ethical considerations
Good Medical Practice