Case Study 15

Anne arrives at the clinic in a distressed state.  Her husband is impotent, and they had argued about her need for a child. Upset, Anne left the house to visit a friend. However it was her friend’s husband who was at home and when he tried to comfort her unprotected intercourse took place, although she didn’t want this to happen. Anne wants help and is aware of the existence of post coital contraception but she believes in the sanctity of life.  However it may be her only chance to have a child. It is now sixty-eight hours since intercourse occurred. She is desperate for your advice as she feels her religious friends would not understand.

Where to begin?

You are advised to search out your own original material

Suggested starter reading;

Sexual assault: a simple guide

Rape :social & legal issues

The law and ethics of abortion

Guidelines for professional practice UKCC

Code of professional conduct UKCC