The following 8 units from the sexual health portfolio, require you to have an understanding of legal, ethical and professional issues, applied to the subject area.

Look at the aims and learning outcomes for the unit you are studying, by clicking over the unit title.
Choose a scenario from those available for that specific unit, and work through the suggested reading.
Discuss your thoughts with colleagues and your supervisor wherever possible.
Take into account the;      

                         Legal guidance available

                         Professional codes of conduct

                         Laws, rules or principles of ethical decision making.

                         Local guidelines ie Trust child protection documents

Each scenario has a suggested reading list. You should also read the Introduction to the Law and Health Promotion Ethics papers  before tackling the scenarios, to get you started. Further references to the Legal System can be found in the Reading Material page
Identify the key legal, ethical and professional issues. Document any actions you would take if you were the practitioner involved. Note these briefly as bullet points, giving the rationale for your actions. It is expected that this would not be in excess of two sides of A4.
The appropriate references should be cited as a bibliography.
You may be required to discuss your intended actions in a class seminar, and/or present them as part of your portfolio of evidence of learning. Specific guidance will be given by the unit teacher.
Although you may discuss the scenarios with colleagues, ensure that the written work which results is entirely your own.
Please note that level 2 outcomes require you to have an understanding of the relevant issues and apply them to individual client care.  At level 3 you should be able to critically analyse the effect of legislation, guidelines, and codes of professional conduct as well as  develop professional practice as appropriate.

The Scenarios

Interpersonal Issues in Sexual Health Care

Unit codes AC 125 –level 2 AC 126 – level 3


1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 12 14

Interpersonal Issues in Genitourinary Medicine – The Health Advisers Role

Unit codes NC965 – level2 AC124 – level 3


1 2 3 4 6 8 10  

Current Issues in Caring for those with or affected by HIV/AIDS

Unit codes AC129 – level 2 AC130 – level 3


5 6 7 8

Promoting Sexual Health in Practice

Unit codes NC955 –level 2 AC122 – level 3


1 3 4 5 8 11 14 16


Foundation Programme in Reproductive Sexual Health Care

Unit Code:   MC196     Level:  3


12 13 14 15

Developing Skills in Reproductive Sexual Health Care

Unit Level: 3 Unit Size: 2 Credit Points: 20


12 13 15 16