Case Study 6

The sister on a surgical ward rings up the GUM clinic health adviser in a state of panic. Blood tests taken pre-operatively showed HIV infection and the patient had not provided consent for this test. He and his GP have been informed of the diagnosis. Will you talk to him? He may want to talk about the legal issues of consent and gaining access to his medical records. On conversation with him you discover that he is recently divorced and that his wife is working as a MLSO in one of the hospital laboratories. He is refusing to tell her his diagnosis.

Where to begin?

You are advised to search out your own original material

Suggested starter reading;

Guidelines for professional practice UKCC
Reporting misconduct - information for employers and managers UKCC
Guidelines for records and record keeping UKCC
The Patient's Charter
Seeking patients' consent: the ethical considerations
Venereal Disease Regulations 2000