Case Study 5

You are working as a nurse in a GP surgery and during a pre-test discussion for HIV a patient expresses concern about insurances. He is an extremely high risk of infection given that his partner John is HIV positive. What advice would you give? John attends your surgery regularly as he is an insulin dependant diabetic. Only last week your GP colleague, who is not aware of John’s HIV status, has asked if you will assist him to complete health insurance assessment forms for John. You have a dilemma since John has not informed the company of his diagnosis and he telephoned you to ask that you withhold that information from them. The forms are still on your desk.

Where to begin?

You are advised to search out your own original material

Suggested reading

National AIDS Reference Manual
Confidentiality and disclosure of health information
Legal and Ethical Issues Raised by HIV/AIDS - Annotated Bibliography
Code of professional conduct UKCC
Information sheets from the Association of British Insurers